• Member Since 16th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



Getting too comfortable in my popularity · 6:30am Jul 7th, 2012

That's what my problem was, I get it now.

It disgusts me that I had might be slacking at my own work... maybe a little less edited chapter will bring me back to reality....

Also this is a secret blog, don't tell folks about this...


What was that one site where you send in chapters from your fan fiction and have people rip into it for faults and stuff? That might be better than harming my readers with my awful writing.

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Forcing Nihilos to do things he doesn't want to do. · 2:01am Jul 1st, 2012

Alright so I'm writing the next chapter of Rorschach in Equestria right now and I'll check this later but I need something to kick myself out of this rut of inferiority complex I have and I'm curious as to what my readers would like to see me do next. I have plenty of projects I have in mind but I want to see what people expect to see me do from here or what they would like to see me do.

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Sudden News and TVtropes! · 9:12pm Jun 29th, 2012

Alright my children, to you it seems like I've been away for a while, but actually I've been lurking in the background as I try to force words onto a word document with people screaming at me from all sides to go write for them or to join them on City of Heroes (Find me on Virtue, @Dark Sereth if you play, not enough bronies for me to talk to)

Yes I can hear you all now, "Ex Nihilos how dare you make commitments to other people and blatantly lying about never putting this story on hold!"

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How Ex Nihilos ended it all... · 10:39pm Jun 12th, 2012

I made good on my promise! I went to that bridge and got rid of that damn table that's been stinking of me place for the past week. Seriously ugly looking thing where one of me mates carved the word Life into it because it looked like mold was growing within it.

Why I kept the stupid thing is beyond me and why I tossed it over a bridge is between me and the homeless person I consult with. He's also my tax consultant too... I pay him in crack.


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My emotion, expressed by Rainbow Dash, drawn by Inoeitall · 6:27pm Jun 12th, 2012


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I've been Tagged... · 12:21am Jun 3rd, 2012

So this guy tagged me, Dovahwin97 or something, on my page which sent me into a mild rage and banter that lasted for about half an hour before calming me down, I figured I've got nothing better to do, why not, not like I have much else to post about.

1. You must post the rules.
2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their blog

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HELP ME! · 1:33am May 27th, 2012

Listen I don't have much time but the post I made before was a lie! I signed up for some kind of experiment and I'm being held hostage by some guys called the SCP, I don't know how long I have but if anyone gets this send help regoijreahbten;teto;n tod;n

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Still Alive · 9:02pm May 26th, 2012

Yes sirs and madams I still walk the earth, relatively so.

Thanks to some medical issues and brain scrambling painkillers I haven't managed to get much writing done in a while besides some smaller projects. Admittedly I have little progress on the next chapter of Rorschach in Equestria but I haven't abandoned it.

Honestly I don't have much of a time frame because I don't know how long it'll take for me to get m writing back to a satisfying level but I'm still around.

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Ponies make this world the way it is · 5:24pm May 16th, 2012

Found this on tumbler, I thought it was funny putting those two images together.

Also he said nice things about me so that was nice of him.

SOURCE: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/rorschach?before=1335762890

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What is this beautiful thing! · 2:33am May 8th, 2012