• Member Since 4th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 18th, 2014



About longer stories, and impromptu reviews of a few of them · 4:15am Feb 12th, 2013

Sink, sink
Drowned by her country
Old, and she is cursed
And forgotten
Never to surface again


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Analyzing Lesson One and what comes next · 9:08pm Jan 13th, 2013

Now that Lesson One has dropped off the front page, I'm going to go over how it did, how I'm thinking about it, and what I might change next time. I also plan on doing this same sort of post-mortem for Apples and Beating Her Heat when those finish.

Here are some numbers (as of right now):
231/22 like/dislike ratio

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Help Needed! · 12:27am Jan 10th, 2013

I FINALLY got the rough draft of this DKGFHIEORUHISGFKMDJFHNDF-ing humanized Twilestia story done. However, seeing as it's rather long and was partially written in the throes of writer's block, editing and proofreading it is a larger task than usual.

In short, I need a few people to help me out with proofreading.

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What is a story? · 4:00am Jan 8th, 2013

A miserable little pile of words!
At least, that's how my stories go.

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Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Delay · 2:13am Dec 27th, 2012

It has been 22 days since my last update on Apples at Sunset, and, frankly, I'm pretty disappointed with myself for letting it take that long. To tell the truth, it's going to take some more time, too. I have a general idea of what I want to do with the next chapter, the problem is that I've been writing other things. I've got 11,000 of another story down, one that I kinda had to write because I couldn't think straight without doing so. I also had written and released another 6000 word

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Why did the title of one of your stories change, and where is my money? · 7:56am Dec 20th, 2012

First off, THE TITLE TO PURPLEDOM/ESTRUS ADVENTURES HAS BEEN CHANGED. IT IS NOW CALLED 'BEATING HER HEAT'. I did not like the other title. It was far too ostentatious. Made me cringe every time I saw it.

I feel this comic really captures the essence of Beating Her Heat.

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Okay, I've got to get this out... · 6:30am Dec 15th, 2012

First of all, I need to step away from Purpledom for a while. I still don't like it, and while the most recent chapter has made it, I think, a much better story, I still don't have whatever "it" was that gave me the motivation to write the story in the first place. Getting those 4000-odd words out was still a pain. I'm toying with the idea of simply making it from new material (with the exception of one or two scenes from the original greentext).

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So a horse walks into a bar... · 6:37am Dec 11th, 2012

...the bartender says, "Why the long face?" The horse does not reply because it is a horse, and cannot understand English. It is confused and somewhat frightened by its surroundings, so it canters out of the bar, knocking over some tables on its way out.

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You guys disgust me · 6:14am Dec 3rd, 2012

You actually READ clop? That's mortifying. God help the depraved soul that writes this horrible debauchery.

Apples at Sunset chapter 3 is now in proof-reading stages. Thanks to Jake the Army Guy and Jexx for volunteering their time. The rough draft is sitting at 6676 words. There is no clop.

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Requesting editors/prereaders · 10:36pm Nov 28th, 2012

Have the need. The need for people to read my shit so it's presentable.

I have a couple people I've been going to, but I don't think it's really fair for me to try to complete Apples and Purpledom by jumping on these kind people with my chapters and expecting a timely, thought-out review. I sent a chapter off to Jexx but I was too gung-ho on releasing it so I ended up publishing it before he got around to reviewing (sorry, Jexx!).

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