• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 11th, 2016


Crushric, n. — A narcissistic masochist, a Southern gentleman, and snarky smartass. If you're looking for someone to disappoint you, he won't disappoint you.


Iron, Cold Iron · 7:22am Mar 30th, 2015

Gold is for the mistress — silver for the maid —
Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.
"Good!" said the Baron, sitting in his hall,
"But Iron — Cold Iron — is master of them all."
— Rudyard Kipling, "Cold Iron."

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Jericho Plays HuniePop · 4:31pm Mar 14th, 2015

Twitch streaming, baby!

The plot: Jericho finds himself in a dark position. He must use his charm and dat bod' to seduce all the girls, or else Cards will find a loving boyfriend or whatever, thus tearing the world asunder. Only he can do it, and only you can join us in as we screw around in HuniePop.
Needless to say, the game itself is probably NSFW. (Not that we'll likely get far enough into the game to see anything NSFW, but... it's a forewarning, just in case.)

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Twitch Streaming with Me! · 7:21pm Feb 22nd, 2015

Hey guys! After writing some Jericho, I got petered out for the moment and need to recharge.

So, I got a Twitch.tv account recently. Who's up for joining me, a select member or so of Team Jericho, and a boatload of stupid nonsense as we game, shoot the shit, and talk about Jericho and whatever BS you guys are into?

Let's play and talk, guys!

[update: stream ended. Back to writing the next chapter]

Report Crushric · 480 views ·

Saturday, September 13, 4pm · 7:06pm Sep 11th, 2014

We've decided something at Team Jericho.
No matter what happens, we are going to release chapter 40 of Jericho at this time.
We'll make sure it's as clean and spiffy as we can make it, but it's at this date and time that it's going live, whether we like it or not.
So... yeah.

United States/Canadian Eastern Standard time, that is.

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Irrefutable Proof that I'm working on Jericho · 2:14pm Jul 19th, 2014

Your move, naysaying hamsters. I know you're out there!
But seriously, I've been slacking off. Need to work more.
And I got IRL!Cards to read Jericho. And I quote:

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I think my editors are trying to tell me something · 10:45am Jul 13th, 2014

From Team Jericho's personal Minecraft Server, run by Amacita.

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Important: I need *You* for new Jericho Coverart Suggestions! · 9:14pm Jun 17th, 2014

So. The other day I get a message from the guy who does my coverart. He says he wants to do another coverart for Jericho, as he is unhappy with the current one, and thinks he can do better. (I personally still adore the one we got, but that is besides the point to him) However, he states that I only have a few days to compile proper notes for a commission and that it must include a villain.

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Of Side Projects and Phoenixes · 7:32am Feb 18th, 2014

Hail to you, stranger.

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Update: Chapter 6 · 1:05pm Jun 5th, 2013

Yesterday, the fourth of June, following the brilliant critiques of one Luminous Lead, I spent much of the day editing chapter six, Justice. As of now, chapter six has an entirely brand new ending with some three thousand more words than it had before. If you don't read it, you won't be lost, but it does change the relationship between Jericho, Cards,

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We Did it! · 2:57pm May 27th, 2013

In case you haven’t heard the news, Jericho was recommended for posting on the Equestria Daily on the 25th of May. You and I, dear reader, have come a long way, and now Jericho's going to be up in the vaunted halls of that lofty place, displayed as an example of a good story.

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