• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 16th, 2016


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Found 4 stories in 12ms

Total Words: 20,821
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


When something tragic happens to Octavia's closest and dearest friend. She has to adjust to a life without her. How will she move on in life? How much did her friend mean to Octavia? Will she ever recover from this tragic event?

Chapters (1)

After a night of partying with Vinyl Scratch, Octavia had one of the best nights of her life, but will her new interest affect her professional life. How will Octavia balance her love for Classical music and her newfound love "Wubstep"?

This fic was inspired by art created by DAZKO

Chapters (3)

What if somepony you love was taken from you? Twenty years to the day, a mare had her father taken away from her, she visits him to celebrate her birthday, but what if her father is trapped in a dark cold prison. Will she be able to talk to him? Will she have the best birthday ever? Who is she and who is her father?

Chapters (2)

What if the Elements of Harmony didn't imprison Discord in a stone tomb? What if he became good rather than evil? Will he and Celestia's relationship be fixed? Will they be a couple? The Elements have erased his memory to a time when he was good. He must come and understand what chaos he has caused as well as heal his friendship with Celestia and Luna.

Cover Art by Hewison

Chapters (5)