• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 16th, 2016



Stuff and Updates · 4:16am Sep 27th, 2014

Hello followers!

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Report Teal-Tome · 441 views ·

I'm still alive! · 4:11am Mar 18th, 2014

Hello followers,

I first want to apologize for not keep you up to date with writing and other things. Due to some bumps in the road while in college, it's been taking up most of my time to do other things. Sadly due to being on a Trimerster/Quarter system, it's even more time consuming.

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Report Teal-Tome · 398 views ·

Save Soundspeed! · 3:36am Jan 11th, 2014

Hi Guys, this is not an update but this is important. One of my close friends, Soundspeed, who is a Youtuber that reviews of MLP episodes and well as creates videos just recently found out he was being kicked from his home. The landlords are kicking him out of his home tomorrow, January 11, 2014. Anyways, everything can be explained in the video below.

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Report Teal-Tome · 492 views ·

New Story and updates! · 9:26pm Nov 16th, 2013

Hello guys and gals, I'm officially back from my long hiatus. First of all, I want to apologize for not keeping you updated on what has happened to me recently. I started college and it's been a big transition to me that I didn't have time to write any new updates or fics. I've just been busy with classes and it's been really time consuming as of late. I've had other issues while transitioning but everything is fine now. I do want to tell you as the new season of pony coming up, I will be back

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Report Teal-Tome · 442 views ·

Quick blogpost! · 8:56pm Jun 13th, 2013

If you follow, The Chaos of Harmony, go and read the new chapter/author note that I left for the fic. Please go read it and leave some feedback on it! I would really appreciate it.


Report Teal-Tome · 438 views ·

Updates! · 7:40pm Jun 4th, 2013

So I finally rewrote my Octavia sad fic. I submitted to my pre-reader and should be published sometime next week. I'll be posting a bit of a preview this weekend so be on the lookout! The other fics should be updated sometime this weekend, both of my current fics will be receiving them.

New fics should be coming out very soon. I plan to do some one-shots and maybe a sad fic. I will let you know when I have a new fic and tease it.

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Report Teal-Tome · 368 views ·

I'm back! · 3:27am May 21st, 2013

I'm officially back from my hiatus. I'm done with school and in a matter of days I will graduate from high school.

You might ask yourself: What does this mean for me?
Answer: More updates and more new fics!

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Report Teal-Tome · 358 views ·

I'm alive and well! (Awesome art and gifs inside) · 2:59am Apr 16th, 2013

Hello followers! Yes, I'm alive and well. Life has been busy as I try to finish high school. Due to this I will be putting my fics into hiatus, I really hate doing this but school is my priority at the moment. I will be attending college in the fall, so my summer will be filled with fic writing. Again, I hate doing this but it's for the best.

Some quick updates:

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Report Teal-Tome · 369 views ·

So....update on things! · 4:34am Mar 27th, 2013

So it seems I have lost my touch with writing Chaos of Harmony. I'll be reassessing the fic and it's story bible. It'll probably take me a while before I have an update for that fic. But, there is a fic that I am currently working on, I'm getting some opinions on it. Should be out in early April as I stated before.

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Report Teal-Tome · 448 views ·

Don't worry! I'm alive and well! · 2:18pm Mar 21st, 2013

I have to first apologize for not keeping you updated on what has been happening with my and my fics. It was the end of the quarter at school and it got a bit hectic. Next week is my spring break. I should be able to work on some fics over the break.

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Report Teal-Tome · 369 views ·