• Member Since 15th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Heavy Mole

The most complicated story revolving around Applejack's outhouse

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Found 3 stories in 17ms

Total Words: 94,434
Estimated Reading: 6 hours


Rarity has lived in Manehattan for several years. She has started pulling her hair from stress and comes out to Ponyville for her own wellbeing and to support Sweetie Belle in a touring adolescent theater group. Sweetie Belle, whose mental health has deteriorated since her sister's departure, eagerly anticipates the premiere of her company's experimental performance with Rarity in the audience--but a series of missteps reveals that the sisters have begun to grow apart.

Cover image by Koviry. Illustration for "Not All Marks Are Cuties" by monitus. Illustration for "The Lilies of The Field" by Hispers. Pinkie's "Interferometer" drawing by Chocolate Mint Swirl. Special thanks to adlbeay for prereading and indispensable advice, Forcalor for encouraging me to be weird, and to Phyllis & Tom.

Chapters (15)

"It is a very common thing, indeed," Luna had said, "that the magic quits after midnight. I've seen it in a dozen dreams, times one-thousand."

"Invited to the Prince's Ball?" Twilight asked. "You mean the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Think! Your carriage, and your entourage, and your finery... Everything that takes you there, that is the magic, and the reception is the dream.

"...And afterward, what are you left with?"

"I suppose you're the expert," Twilight said, going back to her reading.

Cover image by Hispers.

"A Little Heroic Life"

Chapters (1)

Ever in search of competitive thrills, Rainbow Dash is out to become the next chess grandmaster of Equestria. Her skills will be put to the test, however, when a bully arrives and knocks Scootaloo out of the upcoming tournament at the elementary school. Can Rainbow Dash take her place and reclaim her young friend's honor, proving that she's capable of anything she sets her mind to?

Uh... Satirical.

Cover image by Conicer.

Chapters (2)