• Member Since 27th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 11th, 2017


Just here to write and look. Music might be the next step of action.


Well then, this so far has been dead... · 10:13pm Nov 8th, 2013

I look at my description and say to myself, "Wow, ain't I just a lying son of a gun?".

Don't know who would be interested in reading this, considering that this blog post is totally and utterly pointless to be perfectly honest. Work has been heavy-handed, along with the musical side of things in my life, but that isn't too important, eh?

I might update, I might not, but stay tuned if you wish.

Report Smore98 · 328 views ·

The things I write for no apparent reason...

Comments ( 4 )
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85007thnx for favoriting LDS:raritywink::twilightsmile:

85007 I'd make it scarring, trust me.

84610 Oh um, well.

I don't really know what to say bro. It's been a story I was planning on doing for a while, and just said 'fuck it."

It doesn't mean you can't make your own Slender Crossover. Hell, you can probably get some material from mine. It can be like a new Cupcakes! Except not as gory... or scarring.

Thank you for discouraging me to write a Slender crossover. Now that it's out there, I'm a little more discouraged to do my own.

and I know that if I did my own. I would scare the living daylights out of myslef,

so, thanks.

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