Hey look... A zombie... · 1:40pm Dec 1st, 2012
Nope, just me. MY goodness I've been gone for quite some time. School and work has been hard on me, but with my semester coming to a close expect more activity... oh, I'm talking to that guy over there... yeah, you...
That's okay. just get to it when you can.
I'm so sorry, I totes owe you some feedback and I've forgotten. I'll try to do so this weekend. Soooo sorry.
Thank you for taking the time to read it. What kind of things are you into, darker stuff? I know about the spelling and grammar error, I'm just happy that they were not too bad, considering I had no time to actually read the story before I posted, which I regret.
Finished reading "Snuggles Fluff". Not really the type of thing I'm into, but well done. There were a few minor spelling and punctuation issues, but overall very solid.
Thumbs up!
Hey, sent you a PM, check it.