• Member Since 27th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2014


Yes, I like constructive criticism


Hey look... A zombie... · 1:40pm Dec 1st, 2012

Nope, just me. MY goodness I've been gone for quite some time. School and work has been hard on me, but with my semester coming to a close expect more activity... oh, I'm talking to that guy over there... yeah, you...

Report BrendanandJohn · 353 views ·

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Comments ( 9 )
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That's okay. just get to it when you can.

I'm so sorry, I totes owe you some feedback and I've forgotten:applecry:. I'll try to do so this weekend. Soooo sorry:facehoof:.


Thank you for taking the time to read it. What kind of things are you into, darker stuff? I know about the spelling and grammar error, I'm just happy that they were not too bad, considering I had no time to actually read the story before I posted, which I regret.


Finished reading "Snuggles Fluff". Not really the type of thing I'm into, but well done. There were a few minor spelling and punctuation issues, but overall very solid.

Thumbs up!


Hey, sent you a PM, check it.

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