• Member Since 4th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Sep 21st, 2022


Appledash shipper | Tumblr user | Headcanon enthusiast | Sweet Apple Admirer

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Found 3 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 31,260
Estimated Reading: 2 hours


I've never written an Equestria Girls story before, so this feels a little abnormal :unsuresweetie:
However, I am excited for this little Appledash series! I've had the idea for this story for a long time, so it'll be nice to finally bring it to life! :pinkiehappy:

When Rainbow Dash is the only one who shows up to Applejack's sleepover, she's filled with a cocktail of emotions. Fear, worry, excitement and annoyance being only a handful.

After a lesson in baking, multiple ciders, a trip to the barn and so much more, who knows what secrets will be revealed?

Hope y'all enjoy this Equestria Girls love story:heart:

Chapters (2)

"Before Twilight and Spike came to Ponyville, they were always a quintet. They all loved and appreciated each other very much, but it felt somewhat outlandish and odd to be returning to their original setup. It was as though a huge part of them had been ripped away within mere moments, and they had to face the fact that life would feel different for quite some time"

What happened after Twilight's coronation?
How was the journey home for everypony?
And why are Rainbow Dash and Applejack acting so differently around each other?

Join Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as they attempt to push Honesty and Loyalty together in harmony. A story filled with comedy, romance and awesome characters.

Chapters (7)

Hearth's Warming swoops it's way into Ponyville once again. Pinkie Pie wants to help every pony with their decorations, especially Fluttershy. But why are Pinkie and Fluttershy finding it so hard to concentrate around each other? Contains mild Appledash.

Chapters (3)