• Member Since 23rd May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 20th, 2015


Favorite song of the month

Comments ( 7 )
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"If you had a wish, would it be of pure heart..."

Again if you can figure out the hint, then same rules apply...


I like you Brony, so I'm going to give you a hint for something in the show. If you can figure out where this is from and why I gave you this quote, then I shall grant you the choice of a option.

"There will be no victory in strength. Instead, it's believed that victory will come from something that is long forgotten. A smaller, more honest soul."

Tell me why this would appeal to Ed.

Also no searching up this quote ok :twilightsmile:

thanks for the fav.

well, you are the first :ajsleepy:

  • Viewing 3 - 7 of 7
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