• Member Since 16th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Jul 13th, 2023


Haven't posted any stories in a while, so now I want to get a fresh, new start.

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Blog Posts

  • 178 weeks

    Damn, I haven't made a new story on here in a while lmao.

    To be quite honest, I really haven't had any motivation. Besides, I find my stories on this account horrible anyways :rainbowlaugh:

    0 comments · 135 views
  • 267 weeks
    I'm Back! Kinda?

    Hey ya'll!

    Sorry for not posting any stories in a while. I am currently working on some. I promise I will be fully back soon.

    Bye ya'll! :twilightsmile:

    1 comments · 194 views
  • 280 weeks
    Could This Be?

    Alright, hello everypony!

    As some of you know, the new trailer for Season 9 is out. If you hadn't watched it and you want to, here's the video.


    Now that that was said, lets get on to the point of this blog.

    In the trailer, we find out that Celestia and Luna are retiring and giving up their spots to Twilight and her friends.

    Read More

    0 comments · 248 views
  • 283 weeks
    Cancelling "A Hidden Past"

    I have some sad news.

    I'm going to be cancelling "A Hidden Past"

    But don't worry! There's going to be a remake of it. :pinkiehappy:

    Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos just wouldn't rule Equestria.

    Sorry! :fluttercry:

    I really didn't think about how I was going to do the story. That's why I'm cancelling it.

    Love ya'll!

    0 comments · 209 views
  • 287 weeks
    Update on "A Hidden Past"

    Hey everypony!

    A Hidden Past is going on hiatus. I just want to work on something new. But don't worry! I will continue it as soon as it's off hiatus! Chapter 3 is being worked on as well!

    1 comments · 212 views

Wow. · 1:31am Feb 23rd, 2021

Damn, I haven't made a new story on here in a while lmao.

To be quite honest, I really haven't had any motivation. Besides, I find my stories on this account horrible anyways :rainbowlaugh:

Report MetallicPie · 135 views ·
Comments ( 2 )
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Hmm... I guess there is something else to see! :pinkiehappy:

Hello random person! Welcome to fimfic! :twilightsmile:

Now I guess there is something else to see here. My comment! :yay:

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