• Member Since 12th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 6th, 2023



TEMPORARY Closure of the story · 10:21pm Nov 27th, 2017

You may have noticed the sign on my story: Closed for renovations. I'll say up front that the take down of Paradise is temporary, and necessary as I move on to the next step of writing revised (and improved by all accounts!), and new chapters. So rest assured, this is not Paradise going away. In fact, you could see is as a thing to celebrate. Progress!

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Why the flip has Paradise taken so long? · 11:10pm Nov 23rd, 2015

First off, don't panic. I'm still working on it. I still plan on finishing Paradise, in one form or another. So, breathe and relax on that, if you've been patient with me this long.

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Paradise: first milestone reached · 9:24pm Oct 16th, 2014

Technically, I did it over the weekend, but I've been quite exhausted and didn't think to post.

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About the Paradise hiatus and when it'll end · 1:54am Sep 20th, 2014

Thank you all for sticking with me so far, I know I haven't been the best updater of fics around. Unless you haven't stuck with me. This is bold, so you can hear me over there, you unstickers! Shame on you! Ah hem. I thought I'd sit down and explain what's going on with the hiatus for you, through a self interview of the questions I'll probably be asked.

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Laptop is back! Paradise can resume · 7:32pm Jun 16th, 2014

To everyone that donated what they could: thank you!

You have no idea how much this means to me. Because of your generosity, I was able to replace my laptop and can resume working on Paradise. At the very least, you will all be getting acknowledgments in the first book I publish for realzies. I'll try to get out the next chapter of Paradise by the end of this week. Everyone who enjoys it owes you a great deal, me most of all.

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Update on the paradise delay (and a request for help) · 3:30am Jun 9th, 2014

No pictures today. That'd take too long to figure out on this hand-me-down iPhone. Anyways, it was very hard for me to put that phrase in my the title but I thought some people might read the title and skip the post, missing what I say in here.

I put more details in this post: http://slywit.tumblr.com

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Paradise update delayed briefly (actually, my computer just died again) · 10:57pm Jun 6th, 2014

Update: It's dead again.

I know it's Adobe Flash killing my computer. It does something to the display drivers or whatnot that make my screen look like it has computer chicken pox. I got it uninstalled, so I can actually start the computer, and I'm doing my best to find a solution.

Gonna be searching that at some computer help sites.


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Report SlyWit · 648 views ·

Next Paradise chapter this week? · 12:56am Jun 2nd, 2014

Sheesh. To think I originally had plans of a chapter every Sunday until this was done.
Well, at least the next chapter is ALMOST done. It's coming to it's last little bits, then I'll try to revise it. I think it'll be out this week, barring disaster.

Had a sick grandmother and a few other things slowing me down, but hopefully that's all done.
Full steam ahead! Damn the torpedoes!

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So I'm sitting on 4000-ish words... · 8:39pm May 6th, 2014

It's not the whole chapter, but it is a healthy chunk and larger than a portion of releases I have done before. I'm thinking I might release every 4000 words or so, just to keep the releases consistent.

However, I'm a little afraid this might appear like I'm dragging it out, or trying to play the system for the most exposure, which is certainly NOT my motivation. What do you think? Should I make those consistent releases after every 4000 words until this last chapter is done?

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I'll make it a Sunday release. · 11:37pm Apr 23rd, 2014

I know I said Friday. But I changed my mind. I think there will probably be more people looking to kill time on a Sunday, so the next chapter of Paradise will be released Sunday evening. What time, you ask? Time is an illusion*. Like the internet

*(Around seven-ish, I guess)

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