• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.


It's the obligatory new year blog post. · 12:33am January 1st

And yes, I am posting this at around midnight on new year. I have a nasty cold, so I decided to disobey nurgle's one command and stay home.

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Just for kicks · 2:48pm Sep 15th, 2023

I'm mucking around with Lulu for a work-related project (very boring stuff) and thought I would do a quality test with something fun.

Turns out I messed up the interior formatting, but it's still making me giggle every time I look at it.

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Oh shit, words · 10:13pm Aug 22nd, 2023

Or maybe that comma is in the wrong place. I haven't decided yet.

Teaser: This chapter I've just finished drafting is called "In Their Mansion of Blue". It is a very deep and meaningful title... or it would be, if I posted it six years ago, when the poetry snippet I'm referencing might still have been fresh in someone's mind. Oh well.

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The odd things · 10:40pm Aug 2nd, 2023

I've just been reading through old comments on my scraps story, after publishing yet another chunk from the ancient cutting room floor. It's remarkable how many of the commenters are still around - but also how many logged off for the last time, soon after making their last comment there.

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But in brighter news · 7:19pm Jun 1st, 2023

While I'm not making any promises about any particular project here, I am actually writing again. I figure if I write enough of something, some pony words might drop out somewhere along the line as well. You never know. What I'm working on at the moment is essentially a re-write of a story I read a long time ago; an old pulp sci-fi tale, about a spaceship that manages to get lost in the void between universes, where the crew discover that the technology they've relied on to scoot about

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If anyone still wonders if I exist: here I am · 4:44pm May 25th, 2023

It's a bit of a cliché to say it, but a lot can happen in a year.

I'm not going to get into most of what has happened, because it's boring. The big announcement is that I've moved home, back up to near my parents and the rest of my family, which means no more Birmingham (and no more cheap chocolate from the cadbury factory, alas).

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So actually. my contract got extended · 6:46pm Jul 23rd, 2022

And is ongoing for the foreseeable future. Sorry.

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How about another joke? · 9:35am May 3rd, 2022

Meanwhile, current contract is coming to an end shortly. In theory that means I can start writing again...

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Snobbery and pipework (and where the hell is all my fiction?) · 10:45pm Oct 11th, 2021

So hey.

First, cat tax:

Pictured: Treacle

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Playing with AI, Derpy, and old story ideas · 12:58pm Sep 21st, 2021

There are still GPT apps floating around here and there. One popped up while I was reading a thread somewhere and I thought, hey, why not plug one of my never-written idea prompts into it just to see what might happen.

I both do and do not feel replaced, but at least I got a giggle out of it.

Twilight and Princess De Raptura attempt to regain control of the moon. It shouldn't be hard. All they have to do is dance with it.

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