• Member Since 17th Jan, 2018
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Coyote de La Mancha

YouTuber, with a tip jar and a Patreon!


Exiles is Complete! · 5:34am Jul 29th, 2018

Rejoice, oh ye multitudes! Release the penguins! Unleash the redheads! Unblemish the Hottentots! Refresh the, um...

... :facehoof:...

MUFFINS ARE YUMMY! :yay::derpyderp2:

Anyway. The point is: Exiles, the chronologically first story in not one but two continuities, is now complete. I sincerely hope that everyone enjoys. :twilightsmile:


New Exiles Chapter · 11:29am Jul 27th, 2018

The second-to-last chapter in Exiles, the origin story of Celestia and Luna, is now up.

Only the epilogue remains. I shall try to post that this weekend.

As always, I adore comments and the conversations they may inspire. :twilightsmile:


Pancakes for Breakfast · 11:18am Jul 27th, 2018

The second of four chapters in Twilight Sparkle was Shot is now posted.

The first chapter was much better received than I had expected. I hope the tale continues to intrigue, entertain, and catalyze ponderings as it unfolds.

As always, I consider comments on the story to be written in diamonds. :twilightsmile::raritywink:

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Twilight Sparkle Was Shot · 5:49am Jul 23rd, 2018

This one is something of an experiment.

The story I have started here is called (of course) Twilight Sparkle Was Shot, and if successful will be the seminal story in a new continuity.

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From Coyote's 'It'll End up in Something I Write' Department... · 1:18pm Jul 22nd, 2018

The wind raged throughout Ponyville as the mystic flames began to die down around the massive, floating head. Green and strangely shaped, it glared down upon its fallen enemies. The princesses and their companions had fought valiantly, but they had been ill-prepared for the sheer savagery of its onslaught.

“But why?” a dragon hatchling cried, holding the youngest of the fallen alicorns. “Why are you doing this?”

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Just Words over Wine. · 2:00pm Jul 12th, 2018

A new story in the Elsequestria continuity, In Vino Veritas, is now available. It takes place during Season Two, between Twilight Doesn’t and Equestria Mares.

It should post any minute.

As always, feedback is more than welcome. :twilightsmile:

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EM New Chapter · 6:01am Jul 12th, 2018

Oh, and I forgot to mention before: Chapter 6 of Equestria Mares: The Secret Apprentice of Princess Celestia is posted. At some vague point in the past.

Anyway. Feedback is always welcome. :twilightsmile:


Cancel the Darkness · 5:35am Jul 9th, 2018


Okay, I know this will shock everyone because it almost never happens, but I think I made a mistake. :raritywink:

Looking over everything I have written and laid out for Exiles, I took the “Dark” tag off. Granted, there will be dark moments here and there, but that really isn’t what the story is about.

Which in and of itself is no big deal, but I hate to think I might have turned off prospective readers unnecessarily.

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The Coyote Continuity Compendium · 1:57am Jul 9th, 2018

...because alliteration always amuses along affable and altruistic avenues.

Anyway. Here are all the various Continuities of Coyotetm and a link to an explanation of the Eras of Equus. Upvotes and feedback are always appreciated. :twilightsmile:

Timeline List Order
Sunset Rising
Detective Pony Comics
The Queen of Light and Darkness
Stand-Alone Stories, More or Less

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New Stories! · 12:08pm Jul 7th, 2018

Because time is an illusion, and lunchtime is doubly so.

One tale is After Moonfall, and takes place just after the banishment of Nightmare Moon. It focuses upon Celestia.

The other is a longer tale. Exiles is about the childhood of Celestia and Luna during my continuity's prehistoric Age of Chaos, when Discord still ruled and pattern had not yet become dominant in the world. I am especially pleased with it thus far, and am editing the rest of its chapters now.

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