• Member Since 7th Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen July 9th

Equestrian Intelligence

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Total Words: 2,699
Estimated Reading: 10 minutes


Torn from the Alpha Quadrant in 2371, The USS Voyager and her crew have been navigating their way through the previously uncharted Delta Quadrant. After four years of traveling, The crew is alerted to radio transmissions originating from a planet in the Equis System.

In that same system, an unicorn is staring up at the night sky, wondering if there is anything out there. Nopony could have predicted the events that would come to pass within the next few days, nor the consequences that would follow.

Thank you to discranola for proofreading.

Chapters (1)

Author's Note: This is a second attempt at my own self insert by the same title. The original was admittedly pretty bad. Horrible pacing, yet another story where Equestria is Earth after we nuked ourselves into oblivion, and the fact that I didn't really know what I was doing. but that's all in the past. On to the wheat and potatoes.

Just minding my own business when Bam, I black out, I awake, everything seems normal, but my ceiling and floor weren't made of crystal, and I don't remember living 23 stories up. But then again, anything can happen when Sheogorath is involved.

But I was brought here for a purpose. To stop an ancient threat, and to fight in a war of epic proportions.

Chapters (1)