• Member Since 15th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Golden Fang Ryu Shenron

"I am life. I am death. I give everything. But I take all. I am a King. A Queen. An Assassin. An Army. I am the Savage Kingdom!"

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Found 2 stories in 22ms

Total Words: 6,429
Estimated Reading: 25 minutes


Please Read Author's Note

Since first choosing to walk down this path, I have accomplished what few did - or were willing to do - themselves. Few thanked me for it, but that was no cause for concern. As long as my goal is achieved, I will continue down this road, until I walk it no more.

One-Shot 1-9 for the Yaseikōya Universe

If you like my stories and want to support me, please buy me a coffee at Ko-Fi!

Chapters (1)

When a bird is caged for long enough, it will go to any lengths imaginable to be able to stretch its wings and take flight. Follow the tale of one such bird who found the strength to break away from her shackles and take to the sky.

Chapters (1)