• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2017
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Loving Waifu | Connoisseur of Dirty Ponuts | Professional Shit Writer | Commissions: FULL | Twitter: @RimmerNsfw

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Total Words: 7,870
Estimated Reading: 31 minutes


Upon arriving in Hell, you meet Rimmer: a popular clopfic writer. He turns out to be an enigmatic, and frankly concerning individual. Reluctant to share the story of how you yourself ended up in eternal damnation, he instead shares his own. Turns out that it involves a galavant into the pure, innocent world of Equestria, where he then extorted one of their princesses and used her magic to summon a harem of waifus from a myriad of alternate universes and makes them all sit on a couch with him.

This is precisely why magic is not allowed in the human world.

Rimmer's First, Non-Annual April Fools Day Crackfic Special Feature

Warning: This is a crackfic intended for comedic purposes! It's not my fault if you try to take this seriously! (At least that's what my lawyer told me). There are so many more crossover series that I could/should tag, but fimfic will only let me tag three of them. Want a complete list? Then look at the cover art, I ain't listing them all here.

Chapters (1)