• Member Since 9th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen June 10th

spike the lone wanderer

Just a lonely dragon walking to his next adventures.


Facts with Spike: Turkey edition · 6:17pm Dec 1st, 2023

Spike Drake was in a classroom, wearing a brown three-piece suit with glasses, he was speaking to a group of children about the magnificent Turkey bird, '' The Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful and fearsome empires of all time and...What do you mean by Turkey, not Turkey? Oh you mean the bird, not the country of kebabs and tea! Well, I guess I need to inform Mr.Illitch that I will not be able to teach the great Esquestrian Revolution of 1917....Anyway, cranberry

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Spooky facts with Spike II: The season of the spooky dick! · 2:33pm Oct 31st, 2023

Spike Drake was sitting at his parent's kitchen table, he was sewing two pieces of pink fabric in order to turn it into a lovely dress for his niece, '' Oh hello buddy! Look like you are finally here, it's nice to see you so soon at this time of the year...Nah I'm joking what the fuck are you doing at my parent's house? What am I doing? Can't you see I'm being a great uncle for the only person I care about in this Happy little pink goody two-shoes worlds full of blue-haired Twat

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Happy British Colonies Days · 5:49pm Jul 5th, 2023

Ponyville was experiencing one of the most important days in the kingdom's history, Independence Day. Equestria was for a long time ruled by dragons and their tyrannical king, George William Frederick Dragoon Lagoon the Third. For the occasion, The girls were dressed in colonial-era clothes, simple brown dresses while Twilight, Celestia, and Luna spent a quarter of the kingdom's budget on military outfits.

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Facts with Spike II: Electric Boogaloo · 8:50pm Dec 25th, 2022

Spike was sitting in his brown leather chair reading A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

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Facts with Spike · 10:13pm Oct 31st, 2022

Spike was sitting in his brown leather chair reading The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving,

Oh, I didn't see you there....what are you doing at my house anyway? I didn't invite you so fu...What? Oh, you are here to listen to some amazing facts about the crazy things I did during my life, more precisely during this special holiday. I'm speaking of Halloween you dumb fucko...Top ten Halloween facts about me and why I should be in jail!

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Happy Valentine's day!!! · 6:15pm Feb 14th, 2022

5 month Later

Fallout was in his car, waiting for Spike to come out of jail after his failed attempt to make Rarity fall in love with him only using the fair strength of his penis and a mysterious box.

'''Why am I doing this in the first place? Asked fallout briefly looking at the time on his watch, ''there he is!''

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NNN is back · 6:11pm Nov 1st, 2021

Welcome to Ponyville have Talent! Everyone has a chance to show off their singing talent! Our next candidate is ... Spike Drake?

Everyone's favorite dragon took the stage wearing a walnut costume

'' MMMHH yeah listen up everybody stops eating your shitty food cause you di"bt wants this: You all want some nuts in your mouth! ""

Spike's mom spat her glass of wine on her husband

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Spooky scary skeletons · 4:52pm Oct 31st, 2021

The Nightmare Night party was in full swing. All the ponies were dancing in their clothes as monsters, vampires, mummies and other night creatures were here to boogie all night. When suddenly, the horrifying music stopped like when a fragile heart encounter the slightest, tiniest, cutest eight-legged freak.

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Face · 3:18pm Feb 22nd, 2021

I think it's time for me to reveal the face of the one causing such madness with his writing worthy of Discord Himself!

Gaze upon the face of the one who turned Spike Drake, the little dragon everypony love and cares for into Spike Motherfucking Drake, a teenage fucker who takes no shit from anypony, who loves being evil just for the hell of it!

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Report spike the lone wanderer · 210 views · #Me

Happy Valentine's day!!! · 3:26pm Feb 14th, 2021

Spike was completely naked outside Rarity's house, he was holding a present below his belt. He knocked on the door and Rarity opened the door, the girls were behind her.

What do you want Sp .... '' She stopped speaking when she saw Spike.

Spike looked at Rarity tenderly then with a brusque and calculated gesture he removed his hands from the gift which did not fall.



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