• Member Since 9th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen March 20th

spike the lone wanderer

Just a lonely dragon walking to his next adventures.


Merry Christmas...Late · 3:18pm Dec 26th, 2020

From Spike the Lone Wanderer production and from his associate Hereforthegoldskies, we would like to wish you a late yet sincere merry Christmas and a happy new year during those dark times. Stay safe and Merry Christmas!!!


Day 20 of NNN · 5:24pm Nov 23rd, 2020

Museum of the history of Equestria, Canterlot, in other words rich, snobby people town.

A little Spike Drake was walking hand in hand with Twilight's mom in the museum when suddenly they stopped to look at a Painting called Solaris' victory over the Dragon Savages.

They looked at it without saying anything when suddenly the director of the museum came towards them

'' Do you like the painting, young man? '' He asked

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Day 19 of NNN · 11:47pm Nov 19th, 2020

Day 19:

Today I brought back to life Applejack's dead Parents...then I obliterated the shit out of their rotten body...then I brought them back to life again...and I killed them for good this time... I was bored.

Anyway, I'll be in the past for now, see ya!


Day 18 of NNN · 10:21pm Nov 18th, 2020

Day 18:

Spike was at his window, doing nothing when suddenly he heard, thanks to his superhearing, a conversation of a young couple.

'' How many children would you like to have? '' Asked the male pony.

"Just one, a little princess that I would love with all my heart!" Replied the female pegasus.

'' You know, we could try to have this princess tonight while watching a porn '' Proposed the male pony

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Day 17 of NNN · 10:19pm Nov 17th, 2020

Day 17:

Giving birth to an apple seed is a great thing ... Nah who am I kidding! This sucks Appljejack's ass.

Going into the kitchen, I noticed that Twilight, my beloved sister, was making an omelet (it's the first time I've seen her cooking, by the way).

Of course, she ignored me. I saw that she was holding an egg in her right hand. Right before she burst it in the pan, I snapped my fingers like that bold purple guy.

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Day 16 of NNN · 9:44pm Nov 16th, 2020

Day 16:

I put an apple seed in my hand and I concentrated my cosmic vital energy to make the seed germinate.

I only waited 5 seconds to see the seed germinate. A tree is a living being, so according to my logic, I created life.

I just have to enlarge the process.


Day 15 of NNN · 9:54pm Nov 15th, 2020

Day 15 :

I'm halfway through the challenge that is behind my ascent to perfection, but I still have a lot to learn ... nah

today i melted lead in the palm of my right hand and then played with the liquid metal. I became a metalbender or that one guy wearing a cape and a bucket for helmet and whom his worst foe is a mister clean in a wheelchair.

Anyway I played with it for 5 mins then hardened it to ingot shape and changed it to gold.

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Day 14 of NNN · 10:48pm Nov 14th, 2020

Day 14:

I can now fly and move objets with the power of my mind. For a majority, if not the whole kingdom, those two abilities are great. Well I am not those buffon! Those are the basic stuff you can easily master by removing Both your thumbs from up your ass!

I have trenscended the cosmos to become perfect, not to become the next Benedick Cumberbatch!

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Day 13 of NNN · 10:56pm Nov 13th, 2020

Day 13:

As I mentionned in my previous report, I have now the capacity to fly like a magnificent eagle, not like this big-mouthed, Rainbow wearing pest . Yet, the feeling was...unsatisfying, I wanted more, I wanted something...thrilling!

I was meditating in the middle of my room when this urge of writting my feelings in my diary hit me all of a sudden. However my diary was on my desk. Now, the good part of my story.

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Day 12 of NNN · 10:49pm Nov 12th, 2020

Day 12:

Dear diary, the human spirit is capable of performing miracles when death comes to claim your soul.

I was going to die, the lack of sleep and food was going to kill me. Many would have panicked in such a situation, but not me.

I understood that I was going to die, so I kind of made peace with myself. I was in osmosis with the universe, by this fact, my mind became one with the cosmos, I was able to transcend the universe and I was able to learn its secrets.

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