• Member Since 5th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2018


My name is Glacier Mane and I am a very creative pony. As of now I am writing a Fan Fiction that deals with Fallout Equestria! It will be my first Fan Fiction so here goes nothing!!!!


October 18th 2016 - 21:43 Hours · 1:43am Oct 19th, 2016

Alright everypony, I've been inactive for a little bit but I can explain! I've been working on my art and I went to a convention. However I have good news! Chapter IX will drop sometime in the night. I hope that makes up for it. If you wish to follow me on other places. I'm on Tumblr at glaciermane.tumblr.com and I'm on Facebook at facebook.com/glaciermane

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