• Member Since 15th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I love anime. Hahaha. No real point in sharing anything else.


I Finally Did It... · 3:06am Oct 14th, 2020

Well everyone, I finally did it... I watched the last episode. I watched the series finale of MLP Gen 4. I was holding back for so long because I didn't want to say "goodbye" to a show that has touched me deep within. This show has introduced me to amazing content, other amazing creators, and made a few good friends along the way. I am not ashamed to admit that I was crying my eyes out. I cried for the fact that the show itself grew and it was like we all grew up along with it. I also cried

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Joey-O Needs Help! · 11:29pm Jul 25th, 2020

Hello everyone. So a while back, I posted a blog asking to help out a fellow brony. Thanks to the support that was provided, he was able to fight through his cancer. But now he is in need of help again. Because of COVID, he and his girl aren't working and are out on the street. He wanted to work in films, but he was forced to sell almost all of his equipment to get by. If you can donate or spread the word, every little bit helps.

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"You Know I'm a Mare Right?" Announcement · 11:36pm Aug 18th, 2019

Hello everyone,

I have a confession to make.
So I have originally been trying to finish the story, "You Know I'm a Mare Right?"
During that time, I was job-hopping and found it difficult to stick.
Also, family drama and financial problems occurred as well.
Although my life has become more stable, my motivation to finish the story has sort of died. :applecry:
I really don't like it when I don't finish a story, but the road was emotionally exhausting.

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Looking for a Seamstress/Tailor and Editor/Proofreader · 7:48am Aug 24th, 2018


I'm looking to hire someone to create cosplay outfits for events I like to attend; this includes anime and brony related events.

In addition, I am looking for an editor/proofreader to assist me.
I love to write for the many readers here on FimFiction.
Sadly, I am not the best writer.

Please keep in mind, for the seamstress/tailor position, I ask that you show examples of your work and references would be helpful.

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Story Updates · 8:08pm Aug 12th, 2018

Hello everyone,

I'm going to have to be honest about something.

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Who is Your Favorite Princess? (Story Blog) · 3:23am Aug 4th, 2018

"Hey Animerican." :twilightsmile:

"Hmm? Oh hey Twilight. What's up?"

"So I am just curious. Who is your favorite Princess?" :twilightsheepish:

"That's a random question. Why do you ask?"

"Oh it is part of my research. I was wondering if each pony has a favorite princess." :twilightsmile:

"Gee... I don't know..."

"Aww come on. Not like your answer is going to offend me or anything." :twilightsmile:

"Well... Okay. If you must know, my favorite is Princess Luna."

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Getting Back to Writing Soon · 9:34pm Jul 28th, 2018

Hello everyone,

So a bit of an update. Where I live is pretty warm and we are dealing with an insect infestation. We have an ant problem and for some reason they just swarmed my desk. Unfortunately, my laptop was in the middle of the crossfire. DX I needed to clean up my room and try to get rid of the ants before going back on the laptop.

Also, my Grandma just got out of surgery. So we are trying to help her recover at the moment.

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Who is Rainbow Blaze? · 4:41pm Jun 25th, 2018

As I was writing a fimfic about Rainbow Dash, I completely forgot about a particular pony in her life. This character is somepony I really wish Hasbro shined more light on.

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Regarding "A Changeling's Heart" · 11:17pm Mar 24th, 2018

Hello everyone!

A quick update on whoever was following "A Changeling's Heart."

I apologize to those who have been waiting for the next chapter.
I am still currently working on it, but I am still dealing with one of those "writer's block."

It was one of those moments where I planned it out the chapter and it sounded exciting.
As I typed and read it, it didn't look so good anymore. :twilightsheepish:

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Might be Time to Bring Back One of the Greatest... · 6:35am Mar 6th, 2018

Hello everyone!

So I have been thinking, I thought it might be time to bring back one of our greatest comedy stars in history to Ponyville.

His name is...


When I was younger, I watched "Family Matters" all the time and Steve Urkel brought me so much joy.

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