• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen July 2nd


Stop making this look so easy....


The End · 1:32am Jan 30th, 2013

Three times I have considered abandoning The Immortal Game.

That sounds harsh; it is. At no point in the past sixteen months have I suffered any illusions about who’s in control here. I write this story because I want to, and if I didn’t want to, I could stop. It would be a terrible thing to do to you, the reader, but there it is. That door has always been open to me. Three times I considered going through it.

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Ask Aesthetic Anything · 7:38pm Sep 7th, 2012

Today is the The Immortal Game's birthday. Unless you want to consider it's birthday October 19th, 2011, in which case this day would be the moment of conception. That's right folks, this day last year was the day I started writing. For my first story outside of the two flash fictions I wrote for a high school English course, it's done pretty well.

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The Immortal's Endgame · 5:04am Aug 12th, 2012

The more I frolic around with my League and my horror story, with my serial comedy and my six thousand word blogpost talking about high school art class, the more I can't help but feel I've forgotten about something. Like, you know that feeling when you know there's something you were supposed to do, or maybe said you were going to do, but you can't remember what it is? I've got that, but I just can't quite place—

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The Content Blog · 4:33pm Jul 12th, 2012

Some time ago, when the custom text post was added to FimFiction, I used it as a sort of supplementary material guide for The Immortal Game and Sparkle’s Law. I’ve since cleared that out to use it as a current activities bit, mostly so that people stop mailing me asking when the next chapter is coming, but also so that I can make batman jokes.

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The Prereaders · 4:16am Jun 7th, 2012

There are a number of people without whom The Immortal Game would not be the story it is today or would not be a story at all. This story earns me a certain amount of praise from its readers; I can say honestly that these people deserve it just as much as I do. In order of appearance, here they are:

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Titles Are Important · 10:56pm May 1st, 2012

I stepped out.

I did not step down.

...I think that’s enough drama for one blog post.

So yes, I’m back. Expect weekly updates from me until The Immortal Game is finished. At some point I’ll also release Rarity’s Theorem, though at this point it’s worth holding it back just to annoy CiG.

Schadenfreude. It’s my favorite word, and anyone who plays League of Legends with me can tell you why.

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Aesthetic's Near Death Experience · 8:36pm Apr 27th, 2012

I almost died the other day.

I’d just written and posted Aesthetic’s Preantepenultimate, and I was very proud of my preposterous verbosity. I decided to go grocery shopping, because all I had left in the house was rice and pasta. That is, I think, a situation that other students might be able to identify with.

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Aesthetic's Preantepenultimate · 6:18pm Apr 23rd, 2012


The preantepenultimate chapter of Ponies Make War, My Name is Astor Coruscare, will be released Wednesday, May 2nd.

Any queries as to why that date isn’t right the hell now may be tossed my way in the comments. Until then, power of the horse.

Full force.

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Aesthetically Absent · 2:25am Mar 15th, 2012

I wanted to write a series of blogs over my little hiatus about my experiences writing Ponies Make War. I also wanted to do a blog when Rarity’s Theorem is released, because I certainly have plenty of things to say about that too. On top of those, I have a blog already written that I decided was too terrible to post.

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Sparkle's Law is like, Totally Famous · 10:38pm Feb 17th, 2012

Greetings, readers of Aesthecian fiction! I know I promised some self-indulgent frippery, and I'm sure I'll get around to that eventually, but for now a small piece of news:

Sparkle's Law has been inducted into the Pony Fiction Vault. This means that it gets to hang out with all the cool fanfictions. I bet they all get together on weekends and trash stories about OC alicorns and war in Equestria.

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