• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen July 2nd


Stop making this look so easy....

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  • 599 weeks
    The End

    Three times I have considered abandoning The Immortal Game.

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  • 620 weeks
    Ask Aesthetic Anything

    Today is the The Immortal Game's birthday. Unless you want to consider it's birthday October 19th, 2011, in which case this day would be the moment of conception. That's right folks, this day last year was the day I started writing. For my first story outside of the two flash fictions I wrote for a high school English course, it's done pretty well.

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  • 623 weeks
    The Immortal's Endgame

    The more I frolic around with my League and my horror story, with my serial comedy and my six thousand word blogpost talking about high school art class, the more I can't help but feel I've forgotten about something. Like, you know that feeling when you know there's something you were supposed to do, or maybe said you were going to do, but you can't remember what it is? I've got that, but I just

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  • 628 weeks
    The Content Blog

    Some time ago, when the custom text post was added to FimFiction, I used it as a sort of supplementary material guide for The Immortal Game and Sparkle’s Law. I’ve since cleared that out to use it as a current activities bit, mostly so that people stop mailing me asking when the next chapter is coming, but also so that I can make batman jokes.

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  • 633 weeks
    The Prereaders

    There are a number of people without whom The Immortal Game would not be the story it is today or would not be a story at all. This story earns me a certain amount of praise from its readers; I can say honestly that these people deserve it just as much as I do. In order of appearance, here they are:

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Sparkle's Law is like, Totally Famous · 10:38pm Feb 17th, 2012

Greetings, readers of Aesthecian fiction! I know I promised some self-indulgent frippery, and I'm sure I'll get around to that eventually, but for now a small piece of news:

Sparkle's Law has been inducted into the Pony Fiction Vault. This means that it gets to hang out with all the cool fanfictions. I bet they all get together on weekends and trash stories about OC alicorns and war in Equestria.

Also, I did an interview. You can now download Sparkle's Law in various eBook formats (including all of them!) and read said interview here.

Report AestheticB · 494 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Congratulations, now to wait for the sequel to Sparkle's Law.

Reading the interview, you just killed of yourself in the latest chapter--

Sweet! This I'm glad my favorite comedy fic gained good recognition. Ponies make War should be next.:twilightblush:

Hm! It's really quite fascinating to read about everyone's writing styles. I certainly didn't expect that level of preparation, but after reading what's been published in PMW, I suppose I'm not really surprised either.

Congratulations on getting featured! I hope the reprieve granted by writing Rarity's Theorem gives you enough of a second wind to finish the epic we're all longing to see the completion of, and of course, the sequel itself.

Color me jealous. Wish something of mine would get noticed like that. :twilightblush:

Hell man, great job! Now get Ponies Make War in thar! DO IT NAO! :flutterrage:

I actually started reading Ponies Make war WAAAAAAY before you wrote Sparkle's Law, an I liked it alot. Keep in mind, however, that my reasons for reading your story was because you had war in it at all, and ALSO got onto EqD. To me, thats an immense success, seeing as how my Pinkie Pie is Sam Fisher stories couldn't get three inches past the Pre-Readers.

Needless to say, I read anything you post on here, and you are one of the few authors that I IMMEDIATLY read stories from, one of them being Pen Stroke (Past Sins), one being WandererD (The Empty Room, Sweetie Belle Chronicles), another being Kkat, (Fallout: Equestria), and another being Polecat (A New Breed). You are on my top five favorite authors, AestheticB, and unless you completely fuck it up:fluttershbad:, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

So, without further ado, have all my stars. ALL OF THEM MUTHA FUCKA!:flutterrage:

Wait, I can't star it! :raritycry::raritydespair: WHAT WILL I DO!!!!!

Stupid admins don't allow ratings on posts.... Who do they think they are?

23761 Funny you should mention Pinkie Pie as Sam Fischer. (I found this page by a Google search.) Check out this clip from Season 3 and look at what Pinkie wears:

(Spoiler warning, obviously.)

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