• Member Since 25th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen July 2nd


Stop making this look so easy....


A slight delay · 6:14pm Feb 14th, 2012

I will be uncharacteristically forthright:

I'm taking a break.

A familiar thing happened when I was writing the sixteenth chapter: I began to run out of steam. I typically manage about two thousand words a day. I ended doing about five hundred. It isn't that I'm not interested in writing Ponies Make War, It's—actually, that's pretty much exactly what it is, come to think of it.

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Not asking for any reason in particular, but... · 3:03am Jan 12th, 2012

First, I'd like to get my previous, monster-sized blog post off my profile. It's as huge and irrelevant as Canada.

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Report AestheticB · 360 views ·

Why isn't Ponies Make War updating next week?! · 1:36am Nov 19th, 2011

I doubt anybody is actually panicking about the delayed update. But some of you might be a little worried, so I'm just putting this blog post / announcement here to alleviate some of those worries. After all, a delayed update could mean any number of bad things, such as:

1) I'm not going to finish Ponies Make War.

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