• Member Since 24th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen June 17th


You know, for a smart pony, I do some really stupid things.

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Found 2 stories in 15ms

Total Words: 25,135
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


After the beginning of a bloody war ruins an era of peace that had spread across Equestria, Princess Celestia calls upon the aid of a mysterious race beyond the walls of reality.

After getting the chance to play a new beta MMORPG known as Equestria Online, Tyler, in the form of his new character, Neydra, begins to discover that a simple game is more than lines of code. After an invasion kills one of the princesses and embeds the newly formed Element of Magic within their chests, they must embark on a journey to restore the Elements of Harmony to the lands and end the war plaguing the world.

Meanwhile, a new evil stirs on the edges of the world, a horrible pony who wishes to control the world through fear and evil to accomplish their own desires.

If you came here looking for a SAO crossover, you might want to look elsewhere, as this does nothing more than take slight inspiration from SAO.

Chapters (4)

One thousand years before The unity of the Elements of Harmony...
Ashy Mane is a stallion mercenary from Devinia, a place beyond Equestria's western border.
When he goes to Equestria to eploit it of its wealth and wonders, he only finds disapointment.
Now, he works with friends, new and old, to find a way back home.

Chapters (1)