• Member Since 24th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen June 17th


You know, for a smart pony, I do some really stupid things.


I'm gone · 4:13am Apr 18th, 2018

The title says it all

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Sorry about the break guys · 8:23pm Dec 6th, 2017

Took myself a quick break since I was getting tired and uninspired for a bit there, but now I'm back in action. Look forward to more chapters of whatever I feel like writing.

Report FaultyScrewdriver · 236 views ·

I was gone for a very long time · 5:30am Nov 13th, 2017

April 10th, 2016.

That was the last time I posted something before disappearing for over a year.

But I'm back now, after life threw pothole after bad luck after just straight up laziness my way, I'm finally back on this sight.

Has it been rough for me? Yes, real life is tough. Not to mention I'm two whole seasons behind on the TV series. Yeah, bad Faulty.

But for all two of you who actually care, yes, I'm finally back, fresh, new, and ready to write again.

Report FaultyScrewdriver · 262 views ·

Back! · 7:04pm Mar 10th, 2016

I know. A three and a half month break. Who even does that? But, I may very well be back soon, if not now. So, yay!

Report FaultyScrewdriver · 329 views ·

Woot! · 3:45am Dec 1st, 2015

Well, that's great. Equestrian Origins was posted right on time. I personally think I did great on it. Almost too great. I think I'd actually rather make Equestrian Origins my main project for now, rather than FoE:SL. I'm actually pretty undecided about that. They could both be interesting stories, but the characters I have planned for EO are more... bright? Cheery? I'll leave it up to anyone that sees this. Which one should be my primary:
Fallout Equestria: Surviving Light

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Report FaultyScrewdriver · 314 views ·

Thanksgiving, a time for change (right?) · 7:10pm Nov 26th, 2015

Thanksgiving has finally rolled around, and with that, so have some changes. For one, I've played Fallout 4 to the point that my brain has practically rotted out. (Take a ride... in my rocket 69!)
Now that I'm a healthy level 18 in the game, and not to mention I'm playing the game as if I'm Vanilla Cream, I feel fully confident in continuing writing my Fallout Equestria story. (Bongo, bongo, bongo, I don't wanna leave my congo. Oh nonononono!)

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Report FaultyScrewdriver · 224 views ·

On Hiatus · 9:27pm Nov 13th, 2015

Fallout Equestria: Surviving Light, has been put on a temporary hiatus.
I'd like to make it similar to Fallout 4, but I haven't yet gotten the chance to play, or even purchase, the game yet. Once only just recently gotten a job, which means I don't have enough money to just throw around. So, after I get, and play, Fallout 4 and experience it for myself, I will continue FoE:SL.

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Report FaultyScrewdriver · 250 views ·

FaultyScrewdriver's Weekly Words of Wisdom · 2:33am Nov 13th, 2015

Has life pushed you down a hill? Roll back up the hill. Don't even stand up. Just roll back uphill.

Report FaultyScrewdriver · 197 views ·

A time for change · 4:14pm Nov 10th, 2015

Pony Fantasy's title has been changed, due to the fact that is not Final Fantasy at all.
So look forward to Equestrian Origins.

Report FaultyScrewdriver · 187 views ·

New Ideas · 7:00pm Nov 3rd, 2015

Well, Fallout Equestria: Surviving Light will be my primary project.
And if you ever see a side project *cough* Pony Fantasy: Untold *cough* get published and have chapters added to it, you'll know I'm only working on it because I got writer's block on my Fallout Equestria story.
So yes, I'll only work on Pony Fantasy whenever I'm having trouble trying to think of what to do next in FoE:SL.

So, peace out, friends.

Report FaultyScrewdriver · 254 views ·