• Member Since 24th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen June 17th


You know, for a smart pony, I do some really stupid things.

More Blog Posts11

  • 327 weeks
    I'm gone

    The title says it all

    2 comments · 324 views
  • 346 weeks
    Sorry about the break guys

    Took myself a quick break since I was getting tired and uninspired for a bit there, but now I'm back in action. Look forward to more chapters of whatever I feel like writing.

    0 comments · 236 views
  • 349 weeks
    I was gone for a very long time

    April 10th, 2016.

    That was the last time I posted something before disappearing for over a year.

    But I'm back now, after life threw pothole after bad luck after just straight up laziness my way, I'm finally back on this sight.

    Has it been rough for me? Yes, real life is tough. Not to mention I'm two whole seasons behind on the TV series. Yeah, bad Faulty.

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    3 comments · 262 views
  • 437 weeks

    I know. A three and a half month break. Who even does that? But, I may very well be back soon, if not now. So, yay!

    0 comments · 329 views
  • 451 weeks

    Well, that's great. Equestrian Origins was posted right on time. I personally think I did great on it. Almost too great. I think I'd actually rather make Equestrian Origins my main project for now, rather than FoE:SL. I'm actually pretty undecided about that. They could both be interesting stories, but the characters I have planned for EO are more... bright? Cheery? I'll leave it up to anyone

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    0 comments · 314 views

I'm gone · 4:13am Apr 18th, 2018

The title says it all

Report FaultyScrewdriver · 324 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

No it doesn't. You'll have to be a bit more specific.

Where ya goin? Bring me back a T-shirt, or a key chain.

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