• Member Since 19th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 16th, 2019

Cursed Quill

Afflicted with the Editor's Curse. Corrections offered without malice. Unrepentant Discord fangirl.


S9 Bingo Contest snippets, retrospective · 1:36am Apr 7th, 2019

So, I drew a card for the S9 Bingo contest.
It's a pretty awful card. Unfortunately, my brain first therefore decided to Code Golf it. "What if everything was a changeling?" My second attempt grew out of what I realized was a possible name for the Donkey Nation.

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UnDeserved: FiM/EqG's terrible moral · 7:28pm Mar 24th, 2018

I watched entirely too much pony this morning. It got me thinking.

EqG 1: Sunset Shimmer not granted higher power by Celestia, takes Element of Magic, becomes demon.
2(RR): Sirens not granted magic by default, must take it, are demonized for their acts. (weakest version)
3(FG): Pedestrian Sparkle not granted magic, accidentally takes it, choosing to take it for herself turns her into a demon.

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Explaining Pinkie Sense: Pwny Pony Pinkie, Brainhacker Extraordinaire · 10:35pm Jan 6th, 2018

So I've produced several (mostly scientifically-worthless but possibly making for good stories) hypotheses here:
1. Pinkie's social powers and memory derive from memory-hacking everypony she meets. Ponies, specifically.
1b. This is pid (pony ID) based, so pool clones do not benefit; this is whgat Pinkie actually acts like without her mental powerup.
1c. Strong triggers of false memories can explain her popping up and going "FOREVER!"

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7.7 unicorns and the Dumb Story Idea · 6:05pm Sep 30th, 2017

I initially thought, on seeing the Starlight Glimmer tag, what with th

Sunset Shimmer. Twilight Sparkle. Starlight Glimmer.

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Points of Canon mini: ❧ s7e20 "A Health of Information" · 5:12pm Sep 23rd, 2017

❧Polymorph effects are getting more and more common, yet we keep running into things that they should solve ("It Isn't the Mane Thing About You").
❧Swamp Fever doesn't require the whole lifecycle to reproduce…or Zecora just had some of the spores still on her to give the doc. (On the flipside, kudos for actually making it infect those it came in contact with.)

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Points of Canon à la Oliver: S7E15 ❧"Triple Threat" · 4:21pm Aug 19th, 2017

This episode confirmed a surprising amount of fanon. It also singlehandedly said "no" to my gripes about failings of new changelings, which I had reposted yesterday…
renegade, traditionalist, changelings

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Crystalline Efficiency: Crystal Heart Magic Theory · 7:54pm Aug 12th, 2017

The Crystalling is a very simple and magically-sensible way magically to create a city-state mana battery, and all of its properties make very good sense, mystically-speaking. Really, any community could do it, had they the magic-material supply…so, let's examine it.
Do consider the principles of Similarity, Contagion, and also Synecdoche (part-associates-to-whole).

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Points of Canon à la Oliver: Equestria Girls 1 · 6:10pm Jun 10th, 2017

Finally bit the bullet and watched this. Here are some notes about the things that happened.

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Stylish: Original Color Genre Tags · 7:09am Jun 6th, 2017

edit: The genres have new colors site-side now. "AU, crossover, EqG, tragedy, sad, human, mystery, thriller, second person, [slice-of-life,] and sci-fi" all still have blue.

This script is useful for if you want to change them to something else, or still want those un-colored genres to 'pop'. Say, if you wanted to make all tags you disliked black.

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Stylish: Green the navbar · 10:50pm Jun 5th, 2017

Also probably of interest: DiscoPanda84’s Removing that rounded boundary or, the one you’ve all wanted, re-coloring the genre tags

v2: now broken out into non-hex variables for easy customizability.
v3: now with text-to-white
v3.1: now not setting the submenu items to white-on-white by adding a child-selector

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Report Cursed Quill · 663 views · #Stylish #css