• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 24th, 2020



To everyone it may concern. · 4:56am Jul 13th, 2016

As I am leaning this new writing style, I was wondering if anyone can give me tips on how to write 1-10k word stories, as I'm used to writing 500k to 1 million words, and I was hoping for help!
(Also some of my longest stories will be posted soon, one's 6.3 million words!)

Report Quantum123 · 308 views · #I need help!
Comments ( 6 )
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Thank you for also adding 'A Day In The Hives' to your favorites. May I ask what you enjoyed about it?

2247021 I'm not quiet sure really, but something in the story just made it stand out to me, it's quite well written and is A idea I've never heard of before, it's just that great

Thank you for adding 'A Day In The Hives - Lust' to your favorites. May I ask what you enjoyed about it?

I figured out how to do those face things!:pinkiehappy:

Thank you I appreciate it!

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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