• Member Since 24th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2018


A mighty glacier—a force of nature.

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Diamond Tiara wasn't a nice pony. Four years after her passing, Silver Spoon knows this.

She's changed who she is. But Diamond Tiara never changed, because she never got the chance. And it will take much longer than four years for Silver Spoon to come to terms with that.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is a steadfast, reliable pony. Loyal to her family and friends, always ready to take responsibility, she’s someone who found her place in the world a long time ago. And she’s happy with it.

But anything can change.

Now she’s faced with a question: where’s the place in the world for a pony who can accidentally turn a mountain inside out by thinking too hard?

Also available as a custom-tailored ebook because I’m some kind of psycho who thinks XML is “fun”: EPUB, AZW3, MOBI

Chapters (6)