• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Specimen of Maximum Nerd.

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Found 1 stories in 17ms

Total Words: 4,608
Estimated Reading: 18 minutes


The cast of Uncommon Bond come together to play a different kind of game... one of the Pen and Paper Roleplaying variety! As the Gamemaster, Sunburst soon discovers a clear disconnect between the player's mindsets and the game world he's created for them. In other words, playing with these ponies is a total pain in the neck.

Meet Moromane the Demon Hunter, Peach the Oni-Blooded Brawler, Roku the Rock Farmer and Sakura Petals the Courtesan as they explore the fantastic world of Ninja Adventures In Neighpon.

Chapters (4)