• Member Since 10th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


I write things. Pony things are among the things I write.


Everfree Northwest · 7:41pm May 11th, 2017

It's a convention thing that you might have heard about on this site. I'll be around there this weekend, likely hanging around in Twilight's Writing Room in the afternoon. Feel free to say hello, or track me down and demand an update to No Plan Survives Contact.

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1000 Upvotes · 12:37am Sep 15th, 2015

Wow...I'm kind of amazed Winds of Change got this far. Grateful, certainly, but still kind of surprised, too. This whole thing started out as an idea I ran with after a near decade long hiatus from fanfiction and finally ended with my first ever complete multi-chapter story. So...four months after the fact, where do things stand?

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Finished At Last! (Sort of...) · 8:08pm Apr 30th, 2015

It's finished! Finally! All it took was...dear Celestia, ten months! Bloody Tartarus that seems like forever ago...well, regardless of how long it's taken, it's finally finished! My first ever multi-chaptered story is finally complete at almost 70k words! Time to go celebrate with Blackjack and Apple Cider. But before that, let's answer a few preemptive questions.

1) Is there a sequel planned?

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Replying to Comments · 5:12am Dec 12th, 2014

I don't really make a habit of replying to comments except in a few rare cases, and even then I usually keep said comments out of the actual story feed and use PMs instead. There are a few reasons for this.

First, I feel that my contribution to the discussion should start and stop with the actual story. However my story is interpreted should be left up to the readers to decide and comment on, whether through Up-votes, Down-votes, or passionate rants.

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The Novelty of Notebooks · 6:35am Nov 28th, 2014

Whenever I'm constructing a chapter for one of my stories, I usually write things out first by hand. Not because I have any sort of problem with a keyboard or typing things out, but one of my major flaws as a writer is how easily distracted I get. There are about a million and one things on the internet that can draw my attention at a moments notice and even as I type this blog post, I'm doubtless going to break away from it at least ten times to do random stuff like check my e-mail, chat with

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Confessions of a Skeptic Turned Brony · 11:40pm Nov 5th, 2014

I'm not sure at what point I finally considered myself a Brony, but with two developing fanfics (and one complete fanfic) to my name and countless hours debating the show, denying it at this point is at best being childish. I admit it, I've turned, fallen in deep, and have no desire to get out. I've seen the show, watched the movies, and while I'm still really only a fringe participant in the fandom, I've enjoyed the feedback and encouragement I've gotten for my work.

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The Next Chapter of No Plan Survives Contact... · 1:43am Sep 28th, 2014

...is going to be coming soon. I've finished the rough draft of the second chapter and all that remains is to give it a thorough editing and a few kicks for good measure. In the meantime though, I thought I'd take some time to respond to some random comments that I picked out of a hat from the last chapter.

So... how is this different from Twilight's Harem? Like... at all?

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Five Tags Fimfiction Desperately Needs · 4:34am Jul 26th, 2014

5) Mystery

Saying that the Season three ending of MLP is a divisive topic amongst the fandom is sort of like saying that World War One was a bit of a tiff, but despite however much we'd like to put any debate of 'mysteries' behind us, I still think this is a relevant tag for stories that doesn't really fit into any of the currently available categories.

4) Drama

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Let's Talk About Flash... · 9:57pm Jul 21st, 2014

As you may have guessed from my author's profile, I'm very new to FimFiction and to the fandom in general. Sure, I've definitely seen the show and all of the episodes and even read a few of the comics here and there, but I've never actually been involved with the fandom until now. When I wrote the third chapter of Winds of Change, I probably should have seen this landmine coming, but unfortunately I ran right over it and the comment section exploded with praise and abuse for Flash. Oh

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