• Member Since 6th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2018


Little Free Time; Eyyyy am back after like 4 years :T


Murry Crifmus · 9:44pm Dec 25th, 2018

I'm hungover, just feeling like saying hope you all are doing well! :twilightsmile:

Writing still ongoing, just need to find drive

Report beetlebootboot · 181 views ·
Comments ( 14 )
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More or less... a lot of less. Been busy with life (again... again-again), so that'd explain my now second (third?) disappearance.

Sorry to say, don't think will ever finish that one, because quite frankly I don't remember it that well. Considering re-reading it to get back into the flow, but nervous because it's been so long haha and it is very long... longer than I remember making it. I actually still have a chapter I never finished named 'Time for Progress' that comes after 'Time for Hardaches' and believe me, the story still existing and me not having finished it still hangs on me in the back of my head sometimes. It's a problem with drive, y'know?

But thank you for the kind words, nice to see :)

Scrapping latest story, also, for a similar reason; can't remember where I was headed. Was still catching up with the show again during, but all caught up now.

Oh my God, you’re back? Your story “time to think” is how I got caught here in the first place!

I'm here to restart this chain, sorta.

Also, thank you, that's so nice to hear about that (now olden) story!

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