Derpy tells Dinky the story how Twilight became Celestia's Faithful Student and earned her Cutie Mark.
An (maybe) episodic approach to Twilight's character. Written in form of stories about her.
Discord, Discord, Discord~~ I like Discord. And Twilight. Shipped^^
Found 2 stories in 12ms
Total Words: 3,374
Estimated Reading: 13 minutes
Derpy tells Dinky the story how Twilight became Celestia's Faithful Student and earned her Cutie Mark.
An (maybe) episodic approach to Twilight's character. Written in form of stories about her.
A little practice-one-shot about Discord and Twilight.
Twilight is busy coordinating Winter Wrap Up when our favourite Draconequus has just one little question. Or has he?
They start talking and Twilight begins to discover a new side to Discord which comes as a great surprise to her.
How will Twilight react? She seeks help from Fluttershy.
Apparently Discords best friend got her onto something...
The events of this story (or this chapter; for the time being) are shown through her eyes.
EDIT: Corrected several grammatical and stylistic flaws as suggested in the comments, and tweaked the ending a little bit.