Discord, Discord, Discord~~ I like Discord. And Twilight. Shipped^^
I'm a guy who is a fan of discord, a seeker of stories that make my heart beat with emotion
A leaner of SFM who writes ocassionally
Hello every brony! I love mlp and Doctor who, I play Minecraft and add a little Pokemon and you get me a young brony who loves to be thinking, reading, and writing, I'll finish abandoned stories too!
Fixation on death aside, this is lovely —Soge, accidentally describing my entire life
I don't know what I'm doing 90% of the time. Really bad at updating things I've said I'm going to update.
Fic writer/reader. Humor, romance, drama. You can read stories by me about other fandoms at my ff.net account :) And please support me on patreon! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=319852&u=319852&ty=h
Hi! I'm a creative writer with a drive to become a better storyteller. :D
In my 30s, I'm a big reader of fanfics and sometimes I even write.
Aspiring writer looking to practice with a favorite subject. Planed on waiting til premise of first story finished before starting account but after seeing another artist's work just had to comment:)
Got Water Lilly from the MLP name generator. My OC I made from Pony Creator v3: http://fav.me/d6kuepg So much adorableness to be read. And yes, I am a blank flank.