For a time, Sunset wore a jacket and pants, even in the hottest summer. Her friends only knew half the story behind why.
By Celestia, it burns.
What is being creative? I have no idea!
Found 3 stories in 14ms
Total Words: 3,184
Estimated Reading: 12 minutes
For a time, Sunset wore a jacket and pants, even in the hottest summer. Her friends only knew half the story behind why.
By Celestia, it burns.
Dreamy Plume has been writing for a long time, but she rarely showed anyone. She has dreams of making it big and sharing her work with more than just her friends.
So, what happens when she receives a little criticism?
Sunset Shimmer was a model student when it came to academic achievements. She aced every test, topped every chart, and became the personal student of the Sun Goddess.
Even after becoming friends with the most inspiring people around and changing her life for the better, Sunset can’t help but criticize her time in Equestria.