• Member Since 19th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Lumina Faith

What is being creative? I have no idea!


Dreamy Plume has been writing for a long time, but she rarely showed anyone. She has dreams of making it big and sharing her work with more than just her friends.

So, what happens when she receives a little criticism?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

This story shows promise, but your talent is better used elsewhere that isn’t the nuances in life. You need severe guidance.

Joking, of course. Was this inspired by real events, perhaps? It was good. You seemed to be able to capture her anxiety and self doubts well. I enjoyed it. Here's hoping she can make it onto those bestseller shelves some day.

Well, what is a story if not an embellished version of the truth? :raritywink:

Attempts at philosophy aside, I personally believe that all stories contain at least an inkling of the truth, whether it's an event or a feeling :twilightsmile:

Wow just wow. This story is so real. I've been there, way too many times. Thanks for such a great short!

We all have been there, I’m sure.

Normally the Tragedy tag is a deal-breaker for me, but this is quite the exception.

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