• Member Since 19th Jan, 2014
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Lumina Faith

What is being creative? I have no idea!


For a time, Sunset wore a jacket and pants, even in the hottest summer. Her friends only knew half the story behind why.

By Celestia, it burns.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

The title reminded me of this: "NOOO! NOT INTO THE PIT!!! IT BUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRNNNNSSS!!!"

Huh. My sister has eczema too and reading this makes me feel even worse for her ;-;

When I hear the word "agony", this song is all I can think of.

Good story though. As someone with acne that rarely goes away I know what it's like to feel embarrassed about your skin. It's so hard to prevent yourself from picking at it, and even harder to let it heal.

I'm not sure if she'd have the same type as Sunny had (and I know someone who has chronic eczema), but yeah it sucks.

Mmm, yeah, it's so hard to resist because you'd get some relief, but it's always temporary. Best we can do is to keep trying!

I've had instances before in winter months where my hands and lips would randomly start bleeding from dryness and cracked skin. That in itself is pretty awful; I can't even imagine how Sunny must feel.

For being so short and for not having much to it, this was pretty reasonable.

I was also definitely expecting something more along the lines of "the sun burns because Celestia" :rainbowlaugh:

“What? No, I- it’s just a rash, that’s all.” That was her first cue that she needed to keep this hidden. Yes, it was technically a rash, but it was not her only rash. They’re on her other arm, and the back of her knees, and half of them are scabbing.

Yeah, she should let a doctor see it before it gets worse. :fluttershysad:

She deserves it, after all. She brought ruin and terror to so many people, and committed treason on the highest level. Perhaps this is Harmony’s way of punishing her. It makes her burn every night, so that she never forgets. If this is atonement for what she’d done, then she’d burn willingly until there was nothing but ashes left.

Must be terrible alright.

Author Interviewer

If this is atonement for what she’d done, then she’d burn willingly until there was nothing but ashes left.

lines that go really fucking hard :O

Wow! I was not expecting the answer to what was going on with her to be something so mundane! D: That's terrible, actually, that people can and do have to deal with that!

Imagine my surprise at seeing notifications on really old stories :twilightsmile: I may not like how I ended this one from a writing perspective, but that one line is pretty good.

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