• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 28th, 2024


Author of Philharmonic Staccato, dabbler in doodles, and all-around procrastinator. VinylBon is my OTP.

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Total Words: 3,724
Estimated Reading: 14 minutes


Vinyl Scratch was always an odd one, seemingly hating classical music yet always willing to go with Lyra and Bonbon with a little convincing. One evening they see Octavia perform, and the songs are more than familiar to Vinyl. Realizing that Octavia is playing songs that Vinyl herself had composed when she was younger. Over time and through many trials with her new friends, Octavia discovers that there's a little more to Vinyl than she initially thought.

Proofreaders: Sour Grapes and BarbarianBrony (Thanks to both of you!)

Chapters (1)