This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash is Hitting on You
You are Rarity, a fashion designer in Ponyville, along with one of the few members of the Council of Friendship. Life is good, you are good, your friends are good...
Well, for the most part.
3 months. Rainbow Dash says that she'd been hitting on this stallion for 3 months now, and was getting nowhere. She needs your help! And yet, Rainbow is quite reluctant.
Pfft, khh. It's not like this happens everyday! She clearly doesn't know she needs some help with her potential stallionfriend. So you're going to go visit this 'Sunshine Sprite' character and explain all this to him, for both Rainbow and his own benefit.
After all, what could possibly go wrong?
Thanks to my editor, Android, for making sure things don't look sloppy.