• Member Since 27th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Monday


A washed up old writer who still tries to live in a heyday that has long since passed...


Current Affairs. · 4:55am Apr 16th, 2022

Hello all,

This is not really how I wanted to come back into the fold of things, but it seems life has had different plans for me. I do apologize for the long and overdue update on things, the empty promises I've made, and thanking those who have continued to read and enjoy my stories. So, I guess first things first, what has happened in the past two years since my last update?

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Jinglemas '21 signal boost! · 4:27pm Oct 23rd, 2021


State of the Author, September 2020... · 5:05am Sep 4th, 2020

Well, this is not something I thought I'd have to write, or ever would've needed to write... But here we are. I don't feel like wasting anyone's time so I'll answer the most important question first and foremost before I get into any nitty-gritty details. Apologize in advance as I've written this quite late and off the cuff and my typing hands aren't what they used to be, especially on my new computer,

Have I finally given up writing?

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Something rather than nothing. · 12:01am Oct 8th, 2019


I'm sure those who see this blog post and actually give a damn will be excited for news of some kind after I pretty much went dark in June after posting Fixing Cadence's Cavern.

"Does this mean an update is coming soon?"


At least not yet. I'm not entirely sure what happened other than I stumbled, tripped, and wound up becoming; what I imagine, is a big beautiful bout of depression.

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If you know Holy, help if you can! RESOLVED · 12:35am Sep 25th, 2019

A fellow user by the name of Holy has recently posted this, a suicide note.

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Just a small update · 2:41pm May 4th, 2019

Hey, so if you've been checking in on this place the past few months, you know it's been pretty quiet and stuff. I took a bit of a hiatus to get some personal stuff figured out, mostly changing jobs and scoring one that looks to be a permanent place for me. The pay is great, the benefits are amazing, I'm not working myself to death and it's even got the cherry on top. So with all of that stuff going on, my time has pretty much been focused on getting all of that smoothed out lately.

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C.L.O.P.S Podcast tonight! · 7:53pm Mar 8th, 2019

So, real quick as I'm working my first day of a new, new job. (It's a long story) But basically me and a few friends; one of which is a talented writer in his own right, and the other is my editor at the moment, decided to get together and try doing a podcast.

Will it be good? Maybe

Would I recommend this to my friends? Probably not

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C.L.O.P.S, this and other "useful" things to know about! · 10:09pm Feb 28th, 2019


A neato Discord server I figured you'd all like! · 11:29pm Feb 11th, 2019

A friend of mine, An Intricate Disguise has his own Discord server now, and if you like ponies, porn, sometimes weird ass shitposting and memes, look no further. Whether a fan of his amazing work or not, (if you're not, then, what are you doing here? Go read some and love it! LOVE IT!) I highly reccomend checking it out!

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Commissions closed! · 12:10am Jan 31st, 2019

Copied from a post...

Hey all! I know it might seem weird for a writer to be looking for a comission, but I've got good intentions.

How dare I ask for money to write words.

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