• Member Since 29th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



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Found 3 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 106,643
Estimated Reading: 7 hours


The world is full of beauty, if you don’t wander astray.  But the threads of life are a journey, oft with a terrible price to pay.

Chapters (1)

Four Princesses and a smooth talking seventies studmuffin cross paths aboard a flying nightclub to ponder a simple question. Are we driven by our base instincts, or does love truly conquer all? Find out in this sloppily written entry to the F*** This Prompt!!! challenge!

(No ponies were porked in the writing of this story)

Chapters (1)

A visitor arrives in Equestria, bearing a wealth of knowledge and a troubled past. The Mane 6 are quick to befriend the stranger, who helps them to discover what they truly value in life, and how to achieve it.

But learning to overcome their fears and achieve their desires comes at a steep price, paid by their innocence.

Chapters (16)