• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2021



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Found 2 stories in 11ms

Total Words: 11,931
Estimated Reading: 47 minutes


There's always room for another in Harth Stonebrew's inn. From the stoutest dwarf to the haughtiest blood elf, a seat is always open for someone looking for a fine pint of ale or a lively round of Hearthstone.

Even if they happen to be a small talking horse from another world.

Of course, otherworldly patrons attract otherworldly attention. So when the presence of a mighty mage from Equestria sparks the interest of a wicked warlock from Draenor, Harth can't help but smile. It's going to be another busy night at the inn.

Chapters (1)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have gone missing, and a fire rages in the Everfree Forest. Coincidence? Probably not. Now it's up to Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity to brave the forest and find the girls. After all, charging head long into a burning forest full of carnivorous beasts couldn't possibly go wrong.

Chapters (1)