It's that time of year again, so get your red hats and you expired eggnog, because it's Christmas seasons ahoy!
I have done nothing productive all day and I have a Ko-Fi now!
It's that time of year again, so get your red hats and you expired eggnog, because it's Christmas seasons ahoy!
I told y'all I'd be making an update. I told you.
After many weeks and months spent meticulously digging through the deepest reaches of the internet...
Dipping into the darkest depths of the internet archive, probing the inner recesses of
New friends were made. Old friends were reunited, and then subsequently fell out of touch, then reunited again with each other once again...
As I sit here writing this I'm having trouble putting into words exactly the way I feel right now. A part of me still can't accept that it's real, but then I hug my Rainbow Dash plushie and... I still can't believe it's real.
Yeah, you heard me. I have a fng Rainbow DASH PLUSHIE!
I have two plushies (pictures below), actually! And a whole lot of other little bits and bobs that I honestly didn't think I would ever be able to obtain.
I try not to be very vocal on my opinions of a lot of things. I just don't think it's fair to subject my follower to things that I, myself, wouldn't want to see in my feed.
Needless to say, when Fimfiction announced they were moving to SubscribeStar I was THE SECOND PERSON to sign up. And my friend, the first person to join, has a little challenge for everyone.
I guess you could say this is a signal boost.
The wonderful The Mystery Fluttershy has very kindly turned Twilight Sparkle Tries and Twilight Sparkle Is Still Trying into an audio book! I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already. He does great work and appears to be producing new videos very frequently.
And, of course, if you haven't already seen it, here's the reading for both fics in question:
This is your yearly reminder than I'm not dead.
Well... *checks* Eeyup, definitely not dead! ...Probably. Yet.
I was hoping that December and January was going to be my chance to get a lot done, with planned updates for two of my wip fics, and a third unpublished that's within a stone's shot of completion, but, sadly, I wasn't able to meet any of my milestones.
Things have been getting a bit stressful lately... Ugh, so stressful.
I think we could all use a splash of Pinkie's outgoing attitude on this Friday evening.