• Member Since 19th Sep, 2013
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Very Sleepy

I am never serious.


Story on its way · 7:24pm June 8th

Just wanted to throw a quick blog out since it's been a while. I'm currently working on a lengthy, plot-driven clopfic. But I am trying something new where I actually write out multiple chapters at once before publishing them. The reason being is this story has already gone through multiple rewrites where inspiration struck, then died down after a single chapter or two, which would have been a disaster if I actually published them.

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New Smut Story is out! But not MLP related! · 6:29am Nov 13th, 2022

In honor of Nonstop Nutting November, and for the first time ever, I've recently gained a bit of inspiration to branch out a little and write some porn of another fandom I follow, that being RWBY. Fell in love with the action Monty Oum animated and still follow the show, seeming to be one of the few people who really got what they should look like. But before I was even into the show, I was amazed at the porn potential RWBY seems to have established, really more than any other anime I've

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How many of you are reading vs listening? · 9:33pm Jul 4th, 2022

Continuing the funny trend of the bronies having the best designed fan fiction site ever (Hentai Foundry looks like it made in the 90s, and don't get me started on Ao3 train wreck) some of you may have noticed stories here on Fimfiction have the option to be read by a text-to-speech function. I use it a bit myself, since it's nice to play a story then alt-tab and do something else while you listen to it. Curious how many other people are doing this.

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Same Sex Polygamy Relationships · 5:00am Feb 2nd, 2022

Full disclosure here, I've been sorta obsessed with thinking up my own original story for the past few years. It's not MLP or porn related, it's more centered around the "fighting" type of action, along with a focus on comedy and character progression. Just something to motivate me into creating something professional... Crafting real characters, making an interesting, meaningful and realistic plot, having good character progression, interesting dialogue, good humor, memes, real emotions, real

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Ever wonder how modern TV audiences would react to average kinks we see here? · 2:49am Sep 9th, 2021

I keep thinking back to how big a deal everyone thought it was in Game of Throne when they reveal... *gasp*... a brother and sister having sex together! And they're in love too? Oh my god!

That was it. Just a simple incest pairing. Pretty vanilla by clop standards that would have been done in erotic fan fiction if not on the show itself.

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Story Idea: The Disaster of Stable 69 (And 68) · 7:20am Jun 13th, 2021

Doing a new thing here where I give a little summary of a clopfic idea I've had in the past but never got around to writing to see if anyone would have been interested in it.

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Large differences between JAV porn and Hentai? · 4:16am May 22nd, 2021

A bit of a random blog post I wanted to discuss with any fellow men of culture out there. As you can probably guess, Hentai or doujins are all drawn, so the creator has complete creative control of how women look. And of course they take full advantage of this to create their idealized sexy character, more often then not giving women larger than life oppai's, hour glass figures, and completely shaven downstairs.

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Changeling Story Update · 6:17am Jan 18th, 2021

So as some of you may have noticed by now, there are a few chapters missing from my Changeling Invasion clopfic. Well a mod contacted me about having to hide two chapters containing underage anthro content, and left me to remove the others because the story is understandably pretty long.

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Need some info from anyone who has used OnlyFans for a clopfic · 1:17am Jan 14th, 2021

Should have mentioned in my last blog not to get too attached to any potential story idea I post because those ideas change with my mood which always seem to be shifting.

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Story Updates · 6:56am Dec 17th, 2020

So I know I haven't published anything in a while but I just wanted to give a quick update on what I'm working on and that I'm not dead. Currently, it seems as though my clopfic writing mood shifts between four stories: The Zebra Conspiracy, Total Changeling Domination, Canterlot High’s Secret Somnophilia Craze, and a new story. I'll just go through them one by one.

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