• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2017


Hello, everyone. I love MLP and diaper stuff. "a warm nature person and quite shy on some occasion. I also like gaming and playing piano. Follow me on http://crinklejunishy.tumblr.com


Get Ready for Button Fantasy Ep.4 · 10:51am Dec 12th, 2016

The final chapter of the Button's Fantasy Saga coming out soon.

Episode 4: My sweet little foal.

I truly thank you Fim fiction and our readers for reading my fan-fic. It has been a pleasure writing this story. And yeah lousy release of a yearly period! Hah-ha :D

But it has been fun. And hope to see you in the final chapter soon.


Report junishy · 511 views · Story: Button's Fantasy ·

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  • TButton's Fantasy
    Button mash a young colt who love playing video games his mother is a lovely and caring mare… I wonder how she got her cutie’s mark- a heart and a baby bottle. What will happen when her little colt starting to wet his bed again…
    junishy · 7.4k words  ·  77  30 · 8.8k views
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I am happy to announce that Button's Fantasy Ep.2 is out! :pinkiehappy:

Button fantasy is a adult foal fiction, based on the character button mash and his mommy. It’s a heart warming story fills with love and lots of fun stuff with diaper, plushie, and other baby stuff.

If you are free or looking for a new fic to read, give it a try ^^.:heart:

Love, your author


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