• Member Since 10th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 5th, 2015


I love The Legend of Zelda, Knife Party, Death Cab for Cutie, and My Little Pony.

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SB: AL idea · 2:30pm Oct 21st, 2012

I was thinking of editing the third chapter of SB: AL into a one-shot, as it seems at least to me, way better than the previous installments. Also, I'm not really sure where else I want to go with it, so maybe having a completed one-shot would be good so I can work on something else. Any ideas?

Report GandalfDaGreat · 421 views ·
Comments ( 3 )
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I just finished your story and it's a real shame it isn't finished. I understand if you have "writers block" but I hope you finish it have a lot more SpikexSweetie in it. Good luck!!:twilightsmile:

I hope to get the next chapter up very soon. I have around 5 pages typed at the moment, and am almost done. I've been so lazy lately :fluttershbad:

THANK GOD, you're alive! :pinkiehappy: Anyways, are you going to update your story soon?:twilightblush:

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