Waking up after the battle, Chrysalis feels somehow diffrent. She then figures out she lost the abilty to change. Has the direct hit from Cadence's and Shining Armor's blast affected her? And were there any more changes?
Changes on the insideWaking up after the battle, Chrysalis feels somehow diffrent. She then figures out she lost the abilty to change. Has the direct hit from Cadence's and Shining Armor's blast affected her? And were there any more changes?by Alexander White
8,889 words
· 21 · 4
Waiting in the RainAs Angel waits for Fluttershy to come back from an adventure, he starts thinking of how lucky he is to have her.by Alexander White
2,529 words
· 10 · 1
Alexander you are absolutely sick
. You crazy bro
. You have great talent in the art of words on a monitor
701197 You're loco. I like u!
701187 Because it's a good song.
701180 Why send me this link?