• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)


It's time for my big 250k contest! $250 in 30 prizes! $25 prize for new authors! · 5:48pm Dec 31st, 2015

The good people of Fimfic have supported me greatly over the years, both on Patreon and by offering me help here. And then, of course, there's my readers. I'm launching this to celebrate there being over 250,000 of them!

Launching what?

Why, a nice big contest with lots of prizes, that's what!

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Sex Ed: Updates! · 7:31pm Dec 12th, 2015

Yay, I've finally managed to update Sex Ed: Changeling Style! Sorry it took so long. It'll be posted in a few minutes.

As a bonus, though, it comes along with a new story along similar lines:

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Report dirty little secret · 575 views ·

September's voting has now begun! · 9:06pm Sep 2nd, 2015

Voting is open to decide which new story idea I'll write next, and my $4 and up Patreon supporters get to decide!

This will happen every month, so there will be plenty of chances to make your voice heard -- but why not get in on this one?

My $4 and up Patreon supporters can find the link to go vote in this Patreon post.

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Report dirty little secret · 255 views ·

The sequel to Wanna Trade? is out! · 9:22pm Aug 17th, 2015

The sequel to Wanna Trade? is now available, and it's bigger and better than ever, to be released in 4 chapters, one every day.

Find it here: Swap Meet


For the very first time, you have a chance to vote on which story I'll do next! · 4:39pm Jul 31st, 2015

That's right. For the next two weeks, voting is open to decide which new story idea I'll write next, and my $4 and up Patreon supporters get to decide!

This will happen every month from now on, so there will be plenty of chances to make your voice heard -- but why not get in on the very first one?

My $4 and up Patreon supporters can find the link to go vote in this Patreon post.

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I'm now on Patreon! · 9:01pm Jul 6th, 2015

:rainbowhuh: Dirty little secret, why is there a logo on your profile pic now?

It's because I'm on Patreon now!

:trixieshiftright: And that is...?

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