• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 5,486 Views, 112 Comments

Final Moments - Scott Grimm

Scootaloo's final thoughts as she plummets to her demise.

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A Racing Mind

Please Read Author Notes Before Reading. Thank you.

A Racing Mind

It's funny you know...You always hear the cliche ideas of what races through your mind when you're mere moments away from death. Never thinking they would ever happen to you until the moment has finally come. How everything you've ever done to this point flashes right before your eyes. Or how you begin to beg to someone up above, clinging onto every shred of hope you can. Desperately praying that you can bargain your life back; somehow, someway.

And although your mind races at a million miles a second, it's the simplest most insignificant things that stick out the most to you. Those little bumps along the road of your life end up being the most memorable in your final moments.

And even now, as tears run from my eye's and my throat grows hoarse with pain from my tireless screaming as the ground below me inches ever closer. My mind cant focus on anything other than weeks, days and minutes that have gone by. All the moments of happiness, pain, joy, heartbreak. All of the feelings I would feel or have felt soon to be forgotten... Lost in the endless abyss that eagerly waits for me below.

The air rushes through my hair, whipping it back and forth in a violent manner. Whilst my throat feels as if my heart has jumped into it, feeling a bulge form within esophagus as I become overwhelmed with the feelings of remorse and anger. Anger at myself for never being strong enough to fly, and remorse for never truly forcing myself to.

Heh, it was my dream to one day become as good as my mentor and idol, Rainbow Dash. To be one of, if not thee best flyer in all of Equestria. Only a fools wishful thinking I suppose. Since I had never actually been able to sustain flight for more than a few seconds, and even then it was only with the assistance of another force other than my wings. No matter how many hours I would practice. No matter how many lessons I would get, I just couldn't manage a simple feat like flying. I'm a pegasus for Luna sake! How can a pegasus, a one that's getting lessons even, not be able to fly?!

I paused my thoughts for a second as I take in a large inhale for another ear piercing scream. Allowing me a moment of clarity before my thoughts returned.

I can almost see the headlines of tomorrows paper in big, bold, black print read 'Ponyville's Own Scootaloo Makes History: First Pegasus To Plummet To Their Death. What a joke...

The closer I get to the ground, the more I can hear the ponies below through the blasting wind in my ears. Their mouths hung agape in shock and awe. All screaming my name in terror as my fate is unfolded before their very eyes.

I couldn't help thinking about how they saw me right now. A filly scared, alone, a wreck... Nor could I help thinking about how they would see me after I leave this world.

Will they laugh at me? After seeing me squirm like a pathetic worm, clasping at the air as if to hold onto something nearby. Would they mourn me? I don't even think they would have the time of day to spare a momentary silence for someone as pathetic as me...

And what of my friends? How will they react to my death..?

Sweetie... Applebloom.... I'm so, so sorry... Looks like all of the plans we had made for our future would have to be put on hold as they were just swept away from us in the blink of an eye. Performing in the upcoming talent show at school. Being roommates over in Canterlot when we were finally able to move out of our houses. The first annual meeting of the cutie mark crusaders where we were going to get together with our Manehattan division and celebrate our first crusader getting their cutie mark. All that and more, I would not be around for.

I could feel more tears welling up at my eyes, only to be swept away by the onslaught of the blaring wind in my face. The more I would dwell on these thoughts, the harder it became for me to swallow the fact that this is happening. This was real, and there was no escaping that.

This was it. The moment everypony knows will come, but none say a word of it. Rather, they let it linger in the back of their minds, never to see the light of day until it finally forces itself out and your left dealing with the harsh reality that your life is at an end...

The ground that had seemed so far away moments before had become an enlarged version of itself as I continued to grow closer to it. I could feel the last bit of adrenaline I had in my body course through my veins, causing my vision to blur. My hooves grew colder and colder while my stomach twisted in every knot ever known. I felt sick to the very pit of my core.

My breathing became more and more erratic, as if all the oxygen around me had just disappeared from around me, whilst my heart started to beat more slowly and calmer then it had ever had before in my life. As if it knew what laid in front of me, accepting the fate that had befallen us and stopped caring anymore; giving up as it were.

I clenched my eyes shut and braced for the impact.

Would I feel pain? Would it be quick? what happens when I do finally make contact... Will I still have thoughts? Be able to dream? To have some form of myself still exist, or will every fiber of my being cease to be forever...

So many questions, and no answers to any of them. My mind became a beehive, swarming with theories and thoughts as fast as I could think of them, trying to fit as much pondering into my last moments here... Until for some reason, I just seemed to had let go. My body grew limp, while my breathing steadied. My flailing, along with my screaming had stopped. My thoughts slowly died out and I was finally able to accept this. This was my fate, and I would have to deal with it.

"I don't wanna go..." I whispered aloud in a small feeble voice. One last tear shed from my eye.

No one ever wants to leave this world... But in the end, all you can do is accept your time has finally come and be glad that you had the time here.

Author's Note:

So before anyone hits the dislike button, because I'm sure some will. I just wanted to say that this is something that I whipped up real quick like. It's part of a personal challenge for myself, that I give myself 2 hours to make an entire fic; editing and all. So I'm not expecting much from this story. And yeah it felt a tad bit rushed but that's what makes it a challenge! To improve my writing abilities and see what I can create or how I can perform under the pressure of time.

So after you read this, if you would be so kind as to comment on the story I would be greatly appreciative. Any criticism, be it good or bad.

If you like it though, I will be posting other stories that are under my personal challenge as well. So stay tuned for those!